36 Baby Labour Room Equipment And Their Uses

36 Baby Labour room equipment and their Uses

Baby Labour room equipment are also known as Infant Trays,  Baby Trays Surgicals and Baby Delivery Trays. Baby Trays are used in Labor and Delivery room for Baby Receiving.

  1. These Baby Trays have thickness of 0.50mm
  2. Baby Tray is manufactured with stainless steel 202 grade without having any sharp edges.
  3. These trays have seamless joint less construction.
  4. Baby Trays are supplied without cover
  5. Stainless Steel Baby Tray is durable and Reusable.
  6. Size Inch (Lxwxh): 20 X 16 X 3 Inch
  7. Sizes Cm (Lxwxh): 50 X 40 X 7 Cm
  8. Sizes Mm (Lxwxh): 500 X 400 X 70 Mm

Labour room equipment and accessories

Every Labour Room should have the following:
1. Labour table with mattress, sheet,pillow (numbers as per case load) Macintosh, Foot-rest
2. Brass V drape to collect blood and amniotic fluid
3. Wall clock with seconds hand
4. Wall mounted thermometer
5. Suction apparatus
6. Equipment for adult resuscitation
7. Equipment for neonatal resuscitation
8. Delivery trolley
9. IV drip stand
10. Screen/Partition between two tables
11. Stool for birth companion
12. Lamp – wall mounted or side
13. Autoclave
14. Autoclave drums for instruments, linen, gloves, cotton, gauge, threads sanitary pads
a. Autoclaved delivery set for each delivery
15. Refrigerator
16. Sphygmanometer, adult and newborn thermometer and newborn weighing machine
17. Consumables like gloves, apron, cotton, thread, gauze, sanitary napkins, catgut, IV drip sets, needle, cord clamp, medicines (injectable, oral and parenteral, leucoplast etc 18. Pulse oxymeter
19. Sterilizer
20. Oxygen cylinder
21. Oxygen concentrator
22. Partograph
23. Delivery kit for HIV positive women
24. Labelled plastic jars for drugs and injectables with date of expiry written on them against each drug
25. Coloured bins for bio medical waste management
26. Hub cutter
27. Puncture proof container
28. Plastic tubs for 0.5% Chlorine solution
29. Intranatal protocols
30. Wheel chair/patient’s trolley
31. 7 Trays: Delivery tray, Episiotomy tray, Medicine tray, Emergency drug tray, Baby tray, MVA tray, PPIUCD tray
(see content below)
32. Hand-washing area and toilet for the admitted clients
33. Foeto-scope/Foetal Doppler
34. Stethoscope,
35. Display of SBA quality protocols, and shadow less lamp.
36. Mosquito Repellent

1. Delivery tray: Gloves, scissor, artery forceps, cord clamp, sponge holding forceps, urinary catheter,bowl for antiseptic lotion, gauze pieces and cotton swabs, speculum, sanitary pads, Kidney tray.
2. Episiotomy tray: Inj. Xylocaine 2%, 10 ml disposable syringe with needle, episiotomy scissor,kidney tray, artery forceps, allis forceps, sponge holding forceps, toothed forceps, needle holder, needle (round body and cutting), chromic catgut no. 0, gauze pieces, cotton swabs, antiseptic lotion, thumb forceps, gloves.
3. Baby tray: Two pre-warmed towels/sheets for wrapping the baby, cotton swabs, mucus extractor, bag & mask, sterilized thread for cord/cord clamp, nasogastric tube and gloves Inj. Vitamin K, needle and syringe. (Baby should be received in a pre-warmed towel. Do not use metallic tray.)
4. Medicine tray*: Inj. Oxytocin (to be kept in fridge), Cap Ampicillin 500 mg, Tab Metronidazole 400 mg, Tab Paracetamol, Tab Ibuprofen, Tab B complex, IV fluids, Inj. Oxytocin 10 IU, Tab. Misoprostol 200 micrograms, Inj. Gentamycin, Vit K, Inj. Betamethason, Ringer lactate, Normal Saline, Inj. Hydrazaline, Nefidepin, Methyldopa, magnifying glass.
(*-Nevirapin and other HIV drugs only for ICTC and ART Centres)
5. Emergency drug tray:** Inj. Oxytocin (to be kept in fridge), Inj. Magsulf 50%, Inj. Calcium gluconate-10%, Inj. Dexamethasone, Inj. Ampicillin, Inj. Gentamicin, Inj. Metronidazole, Inj. Lignocaine-2%, Inj. Adrenaline, Inj. Hydrocortisone Succinate, Inj. Diazepam, Inj. Pheneramine maleate , Inj. Carboprost, Inj. Fortwin, Inj. Phenergan, Ringer lactate, normal saline, Betamexthazon Inj. Hydrazaline, Nefidepin, Methyldopa, IV sets with 16-gauge needle at least two, controlled suction catheter, mouth gag, IV Canula, vials for drug collection Ceftriaxone (3rd generation cephalosporins) – For L3 facility. (** – only for L2, L3 facilities)
6. MVA/ EVA tray: Gloves, speculum, anterior vaginal wall retractor, posterior vaginal wall retractor, sponge holding forceps, MVA syringe and cannulas, MTP cannulas, small bowl of antiseptic lotion, sanitary pads, pads /cotton swabs, disposable syringe and needle, misoprostol tablet, sterlised gauze/pads, urinary catheter. 7. PPIUCD tray***– PPIUCD Insertion Forceps, Cu IUCD 380A/ Cu IUCD 375 in a sterile package. (*** – only for L3 facilities with PPIUCD trained provider)


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